The Shoulder Pain Solution

No Pain, No Gain Isn’t The Answer

Did you know most people will experience shoulder pain at some point in life? In fact, shoulders are the most commonly injured joints in the body!

The shoulder allows for the greatest range of motion but has the least stability. For this reason, it is more susceptible to strain, repetitive injuries, and aging than other joints. The good news is, is that shoulder injuries are preventable and highly treatable if addressed early.

When it comes to shoulder injury recovery, the primary goals are to decrease inflammation, alleviate pain, strengthen muscles, and improve range of motion through drug-free interventions. Our goal is to share tips for shoulder injury prevention and rehabilitation for injuries, which is why we’re hosting The Shoulder Pain Solution on Tuesday, July 13th at 7:00 pm EDT.

Whether you’ve experienced a shoulder injury in the past, are currently living with pain, or want to prevent an injury in the future, we can help. We’re hosting a Facebook Class that will cover everything you need to know about shoulder health.

Meet Roselle Center for Healing, The Shoulder Pain Solution Facilitators

At the Roselle Center for Healing, we take a holistic approach to the health of our patients. By educating patients about the body and about the treatments they receive, they become active partners in achieving optimal health. We are a practice of chiropractors, acupuncturists, nutritionists, massage therapists, rehabilitation specialists, functional medicine experts. Our team works together to provide complete care to our patients through natural integrative medicine.

Hosted by:

Roselle Center for Healing

You Need Healthy Shoulders

When is the last time you considered the health of your shoulders? Most of us don’t pay them any attention until we begin to experience pain.

Our shoulders are at risk for all sorts of injuries due to the complexity of joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons needed to allow such a wide range of movement. From the positions we sleep in, to the way we sit at a desk, the shoulders have so much more potential for injury than other parts of the body.

Our shoulders allow us to do more than we realize which is why keeping them in good health is vital to everything we do! From carrying groceries to typing on the computer, driving a car, and even reaching for something up above, our shoulders play a crucial role in even the most mundane daily activity.

If you’re interested in learning more about shoulder health and drug-free pain solutions, sign up for The Shoulder Pain Solution!

We Can’t Wait to Share with You on Tuesday, July 13th at 7:00 pm EDT!